Real Alien History

When the gods first arrived from a planet with more gravity than Earth, they were very tall, akin to titans. However, over generations, they adapted to Earth and became smaller.

The Anunaki and The Creation of Humans

Initially, the Anunaki were created to labor on Earth. However, as they grew weary, humans were engineered from Earth's hominids and alien DNA. "Ki" in Anunaki signifies Earth, indicating beings created by Anu for Earth. There is also mention of Anuna from other planets, further highlighting the diverse origins of these beings.

Other Beings: Greys and Nommo

The Greys, another labor-oriented race, were created earlier. Enki, also known as Nommo from Sirius, played a pivotal role in human creation. Enki, a half-Sirian, led this grand project under the watchful eyes of the gods residing in the Pleiades, led by Anu.

Earth, Pleiades, and The Takeover

Anu, alongside his consort Tiamat, ventured from Pleiades to Earth, initially as a diversion. Upon arrival, Enlil executed Tiamat, and they seized control of the planet, laying the groundwork for a new civilization, eventually taken over by Enki, marking the beginning of human history as we know it.

Gods on Mars and Early Earth

After establishing dominion over Earth, notable deities like Anu, Anshar, Kishar, Lahamu, and Lahmu resided on Mars. Enki, born in the Pleiades, was instrumental in Earth's early development, arriving with his mother Nammu and their advanced technology.

Reptilian Origins and Civilizations

The original reptilian civilization, known as Ginabul or Kingu, hailed from Draco. These beings initially accepted animal sacrifices as food, a practice that continued among humans out of misguided reverence and eventually led to the decline of ancient traditions.

The Rise of Modern Religions

As ancient practices waned, religions like Christianity and Buddhism filled the spiritual void. Gnosticism and certain practices within Tantra and Tibetan Buddhism were closer to the original truths. Conversely, Sumerian mythology, which influenced Western religion, served as a control mechanism, venerating gods who exploited humanity while demonizing beneficent goddesses like Lilith, sister to Enki and a revered Earth queen.